<init-param> <param-name>useFileMappedBuffer</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> <!-- change to false --> </init-param>
<Call id="webappprovider" name="addAppProvider"> <Arg> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.WebAppProvider"> . . <!-- this should be the new custom webdefault.xml or change should be made in this file --> <Set name="defaultsDescriptor"><Property name="jetty.home" default="." />/etc/webdefault.xml</Set> <Set name="scanInterval">1</Set> <Set name="extractWars">true</Set> . . </New> </Arg> </Call>
<New id="myWebAppContext" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <Set name="contextPath">/</Set> <Set name="war">./webapps/fredapp</Set> <Set name="defaultsDescriptor">/home/fred/jetty/mywebdefaults.xml</Set> . . </New>
<web-app ...> ... <servlet> <servlet-name>Default</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>useFileMappedBuffer</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup> </servlet> ... </web-app>
在使用idea中的jetty插件时,idea会提供一个新的context.xml文件,然后使用默认的webContext配置,因此相应的配置属性读取于jar内的webdefault.xml文件。因此,想要在idea中解决此问题,需要将相应的jar(etty-webapp-${version}.jar)解压开,修改相应的配置文件 ,再重新打包回jar中,通过替换jar的方式才能解决此问题。修改etc配置目录下的文件无效.
Jetty buffers static content for webapps such as HTML files, CSS files, images, etc. If you are using NIO connectors, Jetty uses memory-mapped files to do this. The problem is that on Windows, memory mapping a file causes the file to lock, so that you cannot update or replace the file. Effectively this means that you have to stop Jetty to update a file.
Jetty provides a configuration switch in the webdefault.xml file for the DefaultServlet that enables or disables the use of memory-mapped files. If you are running on Windows and are having file-locking problems, you should set this switch to disable memory-mapped file buffers.
The default webdefault.xml file is found in the jetty distribution under the etc/ directory or in the jetty-webapp-${version}.jar artifact at org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/webdefault.xml. Edit the file in the distribution or extract it to a convenient disk location and edit it to change useFileMappedBuffer to false. The easiest option is to simply edit the default file contained in the jetty distribution itself.
<init-param> <param-name>useFileMappedBuffer</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> <!-- change to false --> </init-param>
Make sure to apply your custom webdefault.xml file to all of your webapps. You can do that by changing the configuration of the Deployment Manager in etc/jetty-deploy.xml.
<Call id="webappprovider" name="addAppProvider"> <Arg> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.WebAppProvider"> . . <!-- this should be the new custom webdefault.xml or change should be made in this file --> <Set name="defaultsDescriptor"><Property name="jetty.home" default="." />/etc/webdefault.xml</Set> <Set name="scanInterval">1</Set> <Set name="extractWars">true</Set> . . </New> </Arg> </Call>
Alternatively, if you have individually configured your webapps with context xml files, you need to call the WebAppContext.setDefaultsDescriptor(String path) method:
<New id="myWebAppContext" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <Set name="contextPath">/</Set> <Set name="war">./webapps/fredapp</Set> <Set name="defaultsDescriptor">/home/fred/jetty/mywebdefaults.xml</Set> . . </New>
Instead, you could redefine the DefaultServlet in your web.xml file, making sure to set useFileMappedBuffer to false:
<web-app ...> ... <servlet> <servlet-name>Default</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>useFileMappedBuffer</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup> </servlet> ... </web-app>
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